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Manganese abundances in Mercury-Manganese stars
C. M. Jomaron, M. M. Dworetsky* and C. S. Allen
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University
College London, London WC1E 6BT
Electronic (Web Browser) preprint of a paper submitted 16th July 1998 and
accepted for publication by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 23 October 1998.
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We use exact curve-of-growth analysis and spectrum synthesis to deduce the
abundance of Mn from high signal-to-noise visible-region échelle
spectra of selected Mn I and Mn II lines in 24 HgMn stars. The results
are compared to the Mn abundances derived from UV resonance lines by Smith
& Dworetsky [1993]. We find excellent agreement for several
unblended Mn lines and confirm the temperature dependence of the Mn
abundance found by Smith & Dworetsky. The Mn II lines at 4206
and 4326 are much stronger than one would predict assuming the
mean Mn abundances. The lack of agreement is greatest for stars with the
strongest Mn II lines. Using ad hoc multicomponent fits to the
profiles of sharp-lined stars, we show that the discrepancies can be
explained by hyperfine structure that desaturates the lines, with full
widths of the order of 0.06--0.09Å.
Key words: stars:abundances - stars:chemically peculiar - line:profiles
*Guest Observer, Lick Observatory