Almost 30 years ago, Aller [1970] first proposed that the observed overabundances of Mn in HgMn stars followed a positive temperature trend. Since then, her result has been confirmed and extended by, for example, Adelman [1989] and SD93, who showed that when a large enough sample of HgMn stars is observed, the trend displays an upper envelope. Our Mn abundance results confirm in remarkable detail those of SD93 (with improvements for the double-lined binary stars). In Fig. 10 the dashed line at indicates the solar abundance of Mn (Anders & Grevesse [1989]). For Cnc the visible-region data yielded only an upper limit, hence we plot for that star the UV-derived abundance of SD93, marked as a cross. The dotted line is the maximum photospheric abundance of Mn that can be supported in a homogeneous atmosphere by radiative acceleration (Alecian & Michaud [1981]). We note the apparent remarkable agreement between the distribution of the highest abundances as a function of and the shape of the theoretical upper envelope, which is a more important confirmation of a prediction of diffusion theory than exact vertical agreement (SD93), because calculations by SD93 showed that the lower values of observed (or inferred) maximum abundances from homogeneous models could be interpreted as due to Mn being stratified in relatively thin layers at . We also confirm the existence of a class of hot HgMn stars which exhibit only mild Mn enhancements and other anomalies as described by Cowley [1980], SD93, and Smith [1993].
Figure 10: Mn abundance versus . Solar abundance is given by the
dashed line. The dotted line indicates the maximum supportable
abundance of Mn under the assumption of a homogeneous distribution with
optical depth. The envelope would be lower if Mn were concentrated in a
stratified layer high in the photosphere (SD93). The cross indicates
Cnc, taken from the UV abundance.
The internal agreement of abundances in our results for Mn I and Mn II over a wide range of is remarkable. One might well have expected some effects of stratification or non-LTE on the ionisation balance, but the LTE results presented here (based on the assumptions of homogeneous abundance distributions with optical depth) show a remarkable coherence between the results from neutral and singly ionised Mn, as well as between visible-region lines and UV resonance lines. In the absence of a detailed calculation, we cannot comment on possible non-LTE effects on equivalent widths other than to predict (on the basis of our results) that they ought not to be expected to be large. This expectation should be checked by a detailed calculation, which is beyond the scope of the present paper. It is possible that non-LTE or stratification effects (or a combination of both) are responsible for the remaining (0.3 - 0.4 dex) discrepancies between the hfs-affected lines 4206, 4326 and the other Mn II lines.
The fact that hfs must be having some sort of effect on many atomic species including the Mn II lines, and should therefore be taken into account in abundance analyses, was recognised by Booth & Blackwell [1983] but the present paper is the first abundance analysis of Mn II in HgMn stars which explicitly attempts to take this into account. As shown in our previous work on Ga (Dworetsky et al. [1998]), these hfs effects can be dominant: here they have been shown to be enormous (2-3 dex) for certain strong lines. It is interesting that some Mn II lines appear to be relatively free of significant hfs broadening. Obviously, future work on abundance determinations should concentrate on lines like 4478, which are evidently free of significant hfs curve-of-growth effects. However, while we have accounted for much of the abundance discrepancy to be found in analyses based on simple equivalent width calculations, we have not been able to account for all the deduced abundance differences between 4206, 4326 and the other, weaker lines by using our ad hoc hfs models. We suspect that part of the remaining discrepancies might be eliminated if a laboratory study of hfs in Mn II were to be made available through laboratory spectroscopy, and we urge our colleagues in that field to examine this interesting astrophysical problem.