Equivalent widths (measured to the nearest 0.5mÅ) and abundances derived from the individual Mn lines are shown in Table 2. The equivalent widths for the five binaries noted in Table 1 have been scaled to compensate for the dilution of light due to the continuum of their secondaries. The unweighted means and standard deviations of the line abundances may be compared to the UV abundances taken from SD93. In accordance with Allen's result, it was found that Mn II 4206 (see below) gave rise to anomalously high abundances. We also found that Mn II 4326 followed a similar pattern of anomalously high abundances. These two lines are thus examined separately later in this paper. Examples of spectra of the remaining Mn lines can be seen in Fig. 1.
We were unable to measure with certainty any of the lines in Table 2 for the SD93 normal or superficially-normal comparison stars. This result is consistent with their having the cosmic abundance of Mn, logA = 5.39 (Anders & Grevesse [ 1989]).
Table 2: Mn equivalent widths and abundances in the
HgMn programme