Our stellar sample is based upon that of SD93, who analysed IUE data on the UV resonance lines of 26 HgMn, 4 superficially normal and 10 normal stars. We observed 24 of the HgMn stars in the SD93 sample. The two excluded stars are 36 Lyn (which had been misclassified as a HgMn star) and HR 6000, which was not observed. Physical parameters of the 24 stars are given in Table 1.
Five stars are noted as double-lined spectroscopic binaries in Table 1; one of these (HR 1800) is better described as a close visual binary in which we can see evidence of the secondary spectrum as rotationally-broadened features. The parameters quoted in all five cases are those adopted for the primary star. The adopted light ratios () at 4520 are from Harman [1997]: HR 4072, 5.45; Lup, 3.65; CrB, 2.70; or from Ryabchikova, Zakhorova & Adelman [1996]: 112 Her, 6.3 from their Table 2. Suitable adjustments for other wavelength regions were made. The adopted light ratio for the visual binary HR 1800 ( arcsec) is 2.45, based on mag from The Hipparcos Catalogue (ESA [1997]). Another star, 33 Gem, is suspected of being double-lined but there is not yet any information on the orbit or light ratio (Hubrig & Launhardt [1993]); we treat it as a single star or `average component.' We note that Adelman, Philip & Adelman [1996] also treated 33 Gem as a single star, noting that the question of binarity could not be conclusively resolved with their data.
Northern Hemisphere observations were taken with the Hamilton Échelle Spectrograph (HES) - Vogt [1987] - at Lick Observatory, fed by the 0.6-m Coudé Auxilliary Telescope (CAT), during four runs in 1994-1997. Further details of the instrument can be found in Misch [1997]. Stars south of were acquired as service observations at the AAT using the UCL Échelle spectrograph. Shortly before our observations in 1994, some of the HES optical components were replaced, improving the resolution and instrumental profile, and making it possible to use the full field of the 2048 2048 CCDs to maximum advantage. We used both the unthinned phosphor-coated Orbit CCD (Dewar 13) and from July 1995 the thinned Ford CCD (Dewar 6), depending on availability as the latter is shared with the multi-object spectrograph on the 3-metre telescope. The spectral range for the observations was 3800-9000Å, except for the AAT data which were only obtained in the range 3700-4700Å, with the TEK2 CCD. Typical signal-to-noise (S/N) per pixel in the centres of orders ranged from 75 to 250. The Orbit CCD is cosmetically very clean, with very few bad pixels or columns, while the thinned Ford CCD contains several column defects but offers a much higher detector quantum efficiency in the blue. We used the Ford CCD whenever it was available. With the slit settings used, the combination of spectrographs and CCDs gave resolutions for the HES and for the UCLES. Flat fields were made using polar axis quartz lamps and wavelength calibrations were obtained with Th-Ar comparisons.
The échelle spectra were extracted and calibrated using standard IRAF extraction packages (Churchill [1995]; Valdes [1990]), running on UCL's Starlink node. Previous measurements (Allen [1998]) showed that there were no measurable effects of parasitic light (residual scattered light) in the line profiles provided that general scattered light in the adjacent interorder spaces was taken as the subtracted background. In practice the residual scattered light was less than approximately 1 percent; we have therefore made no corrections for it. Allen's method is based on a direct comparison of the solar spectrum (as reflected from the roof of the CAT coelostat) observed with the HES, with the Kitt Peak Solar Flux Atlas (Kurucz et al [1984]). As the latter was obtained using a Fourier Transform Spectrometer, it has no measurable parasitic light. The KPNO spectrum is convolved with a suitable instrumental profile to match the HES data; both spectra must be normalised at the same points for a valid comparison. The ratio of summed equivalent widths of various features with good adjacent continuum points, in many different spectral orders, provides the measure of the amount of parasitic light.