BMW-II: Accommodation



Central London, and the UCL area, offer a wide range of accommodation (see our map for the location of the hotels listed below). Unfortunately, even `cheap' hotels are expensive by UK standards, and all accommodation in student halls of residence is now fully booked.

We have negotiated a special rate at the New Ambassador Hotel, which is just a short walk away from UCL. The rates for bed and breakfast are 69 pounds single, 90 pounds double - if booking direct be sure to ask for the University of London discount rate.
Phone: +44-(0)171-387-1456;
Fax:     +44-(0)171-388-9930
(overseas callers should dial 44-171...).

A slightly cheaper alternative is the Hotel Ibis, which is very close to Euston Station (and UCL) - not as bad as it may sound, as the station is fully enclosed so that train noise isn't significant. This is a modern motel-style hotel which is part of a large French chain with many franchises on mainland Europe (be prepared to encounter a strong French accent if you call!). Rooms are 56 pounds per night, excluding breakfast, regardless of single or double occupancy.
Phone: +44-(0)171-388-7777;
Fax:     +44-(0)171-388-0001.

Both hotels will normally expect credit-card numbers to hold firm bookings, and so direct booking is advised, but in case of difficulty contact Ian Howarth.

Both hotels are within easy walking distance of the British Museum and many other attractions, as well as being close to tube stations. (The tube is London's underground railway system, and provides the easiest way of getting around over distances too great to walk.)

The entire area is well served with reasonably-priced restaurants. Goodge Street has a several good, cheap Italian and Indian places, while only slightly further afield Chinatown (in Soho, between Oxford Street and Leicester Square) has many excellent restaurants. Traditional English food probably isn't worth the effort of searching out.

[BMW-II] [2nd Announcement] [Scientific Programme] [UCL HotStar Group]

Maintained by Kaj Siebert and Ian Howarth