Apologetic Resources
Other Services
Welcome to this Homepage for Catholic Apologetics Resources
This site hopes to provide a handy resource for helping
to explain orthodox Catholic Christian teachings, aswell as providing links
to many useful Catholic websites. This is an ongoing project, but is in
the early stages at the moment. Please feel free to explore this site.
If you have any comments about this site and/or wish to be included in
the links please feel free to email
"Click the banner to learn more about and purchase this book and
additional popular apologetics and theology titles by Dave Armstrong"
News Ticker provided by Catholic
World News
New?! |
31/01/99 |
Report in from PetersNet: Fr. William G. Most
has died of a general system breakdown shortly after 1:00 this morning
at Prince William Hospital in Manassas, Virginia. He was a man of great
faith and fidelity to Christ and the Magisterium. He will be sorely missed.
May his soul and the soul of all the faithfully departed through the mercy
of God rest in Peace.
Don't Miss the Faith
of our Fathers conference in London - June 13 1998. Click on to the
link for further details.
24/01/98 |
Updated Apologetics Links Page
17/01/98 |
Added Timetable for Catholic Chaplaincy Weekly events
10/01/98 |
Added Timetable for Newman House events
Updated Catholic apologetics links. Have also added a couple more
Anti-Catholic sites to the list and have emailed them about the errors
they're propogating. (Hopefully they'll find my links pages and learn some
truths about the faith rather than the misconceptions they have of the
Churchs' teachings!)
Have applied to the Catholic Web-ring for inclusion. |
10/12/97 |
Added St
Austin Press to the links page. St Austin Press has recently opened
a new shop in London (296 Brockley Road, Brockley). These guys are faithful
to the magisterium and stock all those orthodox Catholic books that are
so difficult to find these days. So if you live in the London area, please
pay them a visit and support this important venture. |
25/10/97 |
New look Background. Reorganised menu in preparation for new frames
format |
Number of times this site has been accessed since 22 June 1997:
Number of times this site has been accessed since 28 November 1997:
PROFETA Catholic Search Engine |
Vote for this site "Top of the 10 Net PROFETA" |
This site is and will be always
in a state of ongoing construction. Please feel free to let me know if
there are any dead links, or if you are have any problems with this site.
Web-Site created & maintained
Last modified: Sat October 25 11:13:54
BST 1997
