Hot-Star Group Publications, 1994

Hotty, the Group's Mascot

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<2000> <1999> <1998> <1997> <1996> <1995> <1994> <1993> <1992> <1991> <1990->


High-resolution spectroscopy of two young stars between the Magellanic Clouds
N.C. Hambly, P.L Dufton, F.P. Keenan, W.R.J Rolleston, I.D. Howarth & M. Irwin.
A&A 285, 716 (1994).

The Axisymmetric Stellar Wind of AG Carinae
R. Schulte-Ladbeck, G. Clayton, D.J. Hillier, T. Harries & I.D. Howarth.
ApJ 429, 846 (1994).

Helium chemistry of ONC supergiants
K.C. Smith & I.D. Howarth.
A&A 290, 868 (1994).

Elemental abundances in normal late-B and HgMn stars from co-added IUE spectra. III. Copper and zinc
K.C. Smith.
A&A 291, 521 (1994).

A study of the luminous blue variable candidate He 3--519 and its surrounding nebula.
L.J. Smith, P.A. Crowther & R.K. Prinja.
A&A 281, 833 (1994).

Low-velocity variability in the stellar wind of HD 152408 (O8: Iafpe)
R.K. Prinja & A.W. Fullerton.
ApJ 426, 345 (1994).

Determining hot star wind terminal velocities from low-resolution IUE data
R.K. Prinja.
A&A 289, 221 (1994).

The shock-excited P Cygni nebula
M.J. Barlow, J.E. Drew, J. Meaburn & R.M. Massey
MNRAS 268, L29 (1994).

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