Hot-Star Group Publications, 1992

Hotty, the Group's Mascot

It's cool to be hot!


<2000> <1999> <1998> <1997> <1996> <1995> <1994> <1993> <1992> <1991> <1990->


Near-infrared spectroscopy of Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars.
I.D.Howarth & W.Schmutz.
A&A 261, 503 (1992)

Time series observations of O stars. I - IUE observations of variability in the stellar wind of Zeta Puppis
R.K.Prinja, L.A.Balona, C.T.Bolton, R.A.Crowe, M.S.Fieldus, A.W.Fullerton, D.R.Gies, I.D.Howarth, D.McDavid & A.H.N.Reid.
ApJ 390, 266 (1992)

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