JINGLE science: dust and gas properties across the galaxy population
The combination of the JCMT observations with the ancillary multi-wavelength data products allow a detailed characterisation of the gas and dust properties and of the kinematics and metal contents of these galaxies. They also make possible the derivation of scaling relations between dust, gas, and global properties, as well as provide critical benchmarks for high-redshift studies with JCMT and ALMA. Specific science questions that JINGLE addresses include:
- Determining dust emissivities and looking for systematic dependencies of β on global galaxy properties such as metallicity, stellar mass or SFR. As shown in the figure below, the addition of the SCUBA-2 data significantly increases the accuracy of the simultaneous measurement of dust temperatures and β over a Herschel-only sample.
- Deriving scaling relations between dust mass and global galaxy properties. JINGLE’s statistically robust sample of galaxies with 850μm measurements as well as Herschel photometry will provide for the first time an unbiased view of dust scaling relations in the local universe.
- Studying the dust-to-gas mass ratio to establish if and how it varies as a function of stellar mass, metallicity, SFR, thus informing high redshift studies relying on dust measurements and a dust-to-gas ratio to infer total molecular gas masses.
- Investigating the correlation between total cold gas and dust masses and spatially-resolved quantities from the MaNGA observations (such as gradients of SFR, metallicity, stellar age, ionisation mechanisms,..). This information will shed new light on the question of star formation quenching and its link to changes in the internal structure of galaxies.