Msg Base: AREA 3 - ASK FATHER (AMDG) Msg No: 88. Sat 9-26-92 10:47 (NO KILL) From: Father Mateo To: Mike O'donnell Subject: Byzantine Liturgy �� � Hello, Father: � � Do you know of any books that give an outline of the Russian � Orthodox Mass? I recently went to a Russian bookstore in our area, � and got into a conversation with one of the sales people. She � described their Mass and there are parts of it which really sounded � beautiful. I would like to read more about it. Also, Trinity's � 5th grade religion class does an intensive study of the Mass � lasting a full semester. I would like to offer to give a short � presentation next year this class (my daughter Maureen will be in � it.) Or better yet, suggest that Maureen give it. The � presentation would go over the Russian Orthodox Mass from � Preparation of Gifts through Communion, and compare it with ours. � � Any reference could be in English or Russian (preferably � English), but hopefully would have lots of pictures. � � Thank you, � Mike ��[MO=>FM] Dear Mike, Many weeks ago I promised you that I would try to find a video for the school children about the Byzantine liturgy. The Byzantine liturgy (which we call the Mass) is used by Catholics and Orthodox in Eastern Europe -- Russians, Greeks, Luthenians, Ukrainians, et al. It is offered in serveral languages, including English in the U.S. There is a video available: "The Divine Liturgy Explained", obtainable from: Holy Cross Orthodox Bookstore 50 Goddard Avenue Brookline, Massachusetts 02146 Telephone (617) 232-4544 I do not know the price. Sincerely in Christ, Father Mateo P.S. Did you get my message with the list of addresses, where you could take the children for Catholic Byzantine liturgies? The date was June 17th.