Msg Base: AREA 5 - ASK FATHER CIN ECHO AMDG Msg No: 307. Mon 6-08-92 16:00 (MAILED) From: Father Mateo To: Gayle Zickefoose Subject: Apostolic Succession �� � It is common knowledge that There were at least 10 (0r 11) Other � Apostles....please explain the Official Roman Catholic position � concrning the Apostolic Succession of these Other Apostles.... � � I placed this question some time back (some 2 months or more) but � haven't as yet read an answer.... I must have missed it when it was � posted.... � --- � � SLMR 2.1a � We are One Body who partake of One Bread..... � --- � � OLX 2.2 � A unique experience. Cheese Whiz BBS 602-279-0793 � � QNet3� � Vocations Central BBS - Newark-NJ (201) 485-5705 HST/v32bis � � PCRelay:HAVEN -> #787 RelayNet (tm) � 4.11 612/474-0724 �� HUBHAVEN �� HST/DS �� Mpls Mn � � .ORIGIN: 079/000 - The Haven of Rest - PCBoard 14.5a/e3 - USR/DS - RIME HUB ��[GZ=>FM] Dear Gayle, Catholic doctrine and practice is that only bishops can ordain bishops. This principle governed the choice of St. Matthias to take Judas's place, as it governed Paul in his choice of Timothy and Titus, and so of all the rest. St. Irenaeus (died after A.D. 190) wrote: "We are able to count up those who were appointed bishops by the Apostles, and to show their successors to our own time.... But since it would be very long ... to count up the successions in all the churches, we ... (point out) the tradition derived from the Apostles of the greatest, most ancient, and universally known church (i.e. the church of Rome), founded and established by the two most glorious Apostles, Peter and Paul, and also the faith declared to men which through the succession of bishops comes down to our times. For with this Church on account of its more powerful leadership, every church, that is the faithful who are from everywhere, must needs agree; since in it that tradition which is from the Apostles has always been preserved by those who are from everywhere." This quote is from Irenaeus's book "ADVERSUS HAERESES". His concern here clearly is twofold.: 1) apostolic succession of bishops; 2) unity of faith among all churches. Every church traces its episcopal lineage back to the apostles--it doesn't matter which apostle. But for convenience's sake, he says, look to the church of Rome, founded by Peter and Paul, and to the faith held by that church. Sincerely in Christ, Father Mateo