Ask Father Mateo

Msg Base:  AREA 5  - ASK FATHER            CIN ECHO   AMDG
  Msg No: 215.  Fri 12-20-91 17:36  (NO KILL)  (MAILED)
    From: Father Mateo
      To: Mike Garcia
 Subject: Instruction

| dear father , i was raised Roman Catholic by my parents, but after i left
| home i really didn't pay much attn to the church except for ash wednesday
| and christmas, in 1989 I married in the church to a non-active mormon.
| It was an interesting ceremony to say the least. we now have a baby whois
| three months the time of marraige we had to promise the priest
| that we would baptize and raise our baby catholic. the problem is i have
| been out of the church so long i dont know what to do. i fell dome guilt
| over the way we rushed thru the wedding since i had to be confirmned
| before it so i took the classes and ent thru the ceremony...i really
| don't know that much about the church does one "rejoin"
| the church? i've gone to mass and talked to the preist, he says just come
| to church every sunday and i will be fine-- i dont feel this is really
| enough..the church has changed sooo much sine i was younger(i'm 25 now)
| i want to actually feel like i belong not just a casual participant...
| i very much beleive in all the churchs teachings (at least i think i do)
| how do i talk to or what do i read...i really feel like i'm just using the
| church if i just show up and say "baptize my child" and then leave.
| my wife has thought about converting w/ absolutely no pressure from me.
| she feels that our child will be confused by our mixed religions.
| i hope you can help me out....most preists i have spoken w/ really don't
| seem to want to take the time to talk about this thanks and sorry
| about the length of the post---mike garcia
Dear Mike,
Your message originates from San Diego.  Please call or write to
Catholic Answers, P.O. Box 17490, San Diego, CA 92177; telephone
(619) 541-1131.  Ask for their marvelous catalogue of tapes, books,
booklets, and magazines on the Catholic Faith.
Simple Church attendance will not satisfy you; you show a thirst for
learning more about your Faith.  Next Fall, you and your wife may like
to enrol in your parish RCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation for
Adults).  This will enhance your faith and knowledge, and will prepare
your wife to enter the Church, if she so wishes.  However, one is
perfectly free to go through RCIA without making any commitment (don't
scare her off!)
Another excellent source of books, tapes, and videos on the Catholic
Faith is St. Joseph Communications, Inc.  P.O. Box 720, West Covina, CA
91793.  Telephone (818) 331-3549.  They, too, will send you a
fascinating catalogue.
                                Sincerely in Christ,
                                Father Mateo