FUSE Wolf-Rayet stars

Several observational programmes will focus specifically on Wolf-Rayet stars. These stars represent the most advanced observed stage of massive star evolution, are and so are the immediate progenitors of supernovae. Wolf-Rayet stars are readily observed in external galaxies due to the strong emission lines produced by their powerful stellar winds, such that their outflows are 100 million times greater than the solar wind! We will determine the physical, chemical and evolutionary properties of a large sample of WR stars by undertaking quantitative analyses using state-of-the-art model atmosphere codes (e.g. Far-UV FUSE spectroscopy of the OVI resonance doublet in Sand 2 (WO))

Star HD Alias Sp Type Galaxy Ref. ID Previous Study.
WR46 HD104994 WN3p Gal SSM96 P117 Crowther et al. A&A 302, 457
AB6 Sk108 WN3+O7Ia SMC W77 P103
WR1 HD4004 WN4b Gal SSM96 P117 Crowther PhD Thesis
WR128HD187282 WN4 Gal SSM96 P117 Crowther et al. A&A 302, 457
Br6 HD32109 Sk-67 20WN4b LMC SSM96 P117 Koesterke et al. A&A 248 166
AB4 Sk41 WN5h SMC C00 P217 Crowther A&A 2000
WR138HD193077 WN5 Gal SSM96 P117 Crowther PhD Thesis
Br5 Sk-67 18 WN5+O6-7LMC W77 P103
Br21 HDE269333 WN5+B1IaLMC W77 B090
R136HD38268 Sk-69 243WN5+OLMC SSM96 P103 Crowther & Dessart MNRAS 296, 622
WR134HD191765 WN6 Gal SSM96 P117 Crowther et al. A&A 305, 541
Br89 HD38282 Sk-69 246WN6 LMC SSM96 P103 Crowther & Smith A&A 320, 500
WR78HD151932 WN7 Gal SSM96 P117 Crowther et al. A&A 293, 403
Br13 HD33133 Sk-66 51WN8 LMC SSM96 P117 Crowther & Smith A&A 320, 500
WR40HD96548 WN8 Gal SSM96 P117 Herald et al. ApJ 2001
Br91 HDE269927 Sk-69 249WN9 LMC CSH95 P117 Crowther et al. A&A 293, 172
Br18HDE269227WN9LMC CSH95 B090 Crowther et al. A&A 293, 172
HDE269582 Sk-69 142aWN10 LMC CS97 P117 Crowther & Smith A&A 320, 500
Sk-67 266WN11 LMC CS97 B090 Crowther & Smith A&A 320, 500
S119 HDE269687Sk-69 175WN11 LMC CS97 P117 Crowther & Smith A&A 320, 500
AB8 Sand1 Sk188WO3+O4 SMC CDB98 P103
Br93 Sand2 Sk-68 145WO3 LMC CDB98 X018 Crowther etal. ApJ 538 L51
Br10HD32402 Sk-68 15 WC4 LMC SSM90 P117 Dessart PhD Thesis
Br31HD36402 Sk-67 104WC4+OLMC SSM90 P103
Br32HD36521 Sk-68 80WC4+OLMC SSM90 P103
Br43 HD37026 Sk-67 144WC4 LMC SSM90 P117 Dessart PhD Thesis
Br50 HD37680 Sk-69 191WC4 LMC SSM90 P117 Dessart PhD Thesis
Br67HD38029 Sk-69 223WC4+OLMC SSM90 B090
WR52HD115473 WC5 Gal SSM90 P117 Koesterke & Hamann A&A 299 503
WR111HD165763 WC5 Gal SSM90 P117 Hillier & Miller ApJ 519 354
WR23HD92809 WC6 Gal SSM90 P117 Smartt etal MNRAS 325 257
WR90HD156375 WC7 Gal SSM90 P117 Dessart etal. MNRAS 315 407
WR135HD192103 WC8 Gal SSM90 P117 Dessart etal. MNRAS 315 407
WR103HD164270 WC9 Gal SSM90 P117

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