RAS Discussion meeting

Radio Galaxies in the Local Universe

Radio Galaxies in the Local Universe

Royal Astronomical Society Specialist Discussion meeting

RAS Lecture Theatre, Friday 9th December 2016 from 10.15 -- 15.30


Ian Browne (The University of Manchester), Maria Marcha (University College London), Clive Tadhunter (University of Sheffield).

Abstract :

The study of radio galaxies in the local universe gives us an opportunity to get a close up view of key physical processes that helped shape their hosts and other galaxies. In the last few years new instruments like the JVLA, e-MERLIN, LOFAR, VLT, Spitzer, Herschel, etc. have greatly expanded our view of these fascinating objects. It is timely to have a discussion meeting to explore how the new results impact on questions like how jets produce feedback to their local environment, how unification models stand up now that there is much extensive statistical information with which to test them, what radio relics tell us about the past history of galaxies and clusters, and even the origin of the highest energy cosmic rays.

Confirmed invited speakers :

Preliminary Programme

All talks available here

Time Speaker Title
10.00-10.15 Coffee - - -
10.15-10.45 Elaine Sadler (CAASTRO/Sydney) Radio galaxies in the local Universe - the view from the south
10.45-11.05 Ranieri Baldi (Southampton) The new class of FR0 radio galaxies
11.05-11.25 Dan Dicken (CEA/Paris) An infrared perspective on powerful radio galaxies in the local universe
11.25-11.45 Chris Skipper (Manchester) Searching for Spatially Offset Active Galactic Nuclei in the CLASS Survey
11.45-12.05 Raffaella Morganti (ASTRON) Neutral and molecular outflows in nearby radio galaxies
12.05-12.25 Martin Bourne (Cambridge) Jet feedback in galaxy clusters
12.25-12.45 Mark Birkinshaw (Bristol) 3CRR galaxies: heating and moving gas in and out of clusters
12.45-13.45 Lunch ---
13.45-14.15 Philip Best (Edinbugh) Fundamental modes of AGN activity in the local Universe and beyond
14.15-14.45 Martin Hardcastle (Hertsfordshire) Local radio galaxies with LOFAR
== Leah Morabito (Oxford) Investigating the Unification of LOFAR-detected Sources in the Boötes Field
14.45-15.00 Alessandro Capetti (Torino) The puzzle of low power FRII radio galaxies
15.00-15.30 Robert Laing (ESO) Summary & Discussion
15.30-16.00 Tea ---


Name Institute Title
Ryan Duffy (Bristol) X-ray Gas Belts in Low-Redshift Radio Galaxies
Marc Sarzi (Hertfordshire) The unimportance of AGN feedback (radio or optical) to quench star formation in the nearby Universe

Guidelines for speakers : Speakers should allow up to 5 minutes for questions/discussion within their allocated time.