The Second Boulder-Munich Workshop

The Second Boulder-Munich Workshop will be held in Cumberland Lodge, UK, July 21-24 1997. The broad subject area of the meeting will be the observation and interpretation of the spectra of luminous, early-type (OBA) stars, including:

The principal focus of the meeting will be away from Wolf-Rayets, LBVs, and variability, all of which have been, or will be, dealt with in separate meetings in 1996-98. We intend to structure the meeting primarily around oral presentations, and to minimize any `poster' content. Interested parties may care to note that the 1997 Herstmonceux Conference on `The Initial Mass Function' will be held in Cambridge (UK) in the preceding week.

This residential meeting will be held in the beautiful setting of Windsor Great Park, and will cost 350 pounds sterling (ca. $600), inclusive of accommodation, all meals (and drinks), organized transport from (21th) and to (24th) central London or Heathrow, and the proceedings volume (ASP Conference Series). Discounts will be available for students and room-sharers (including `partners'), but no financial support is available from the organizers.

Peter Conti
Ian Howarth
Rolf Kudritzki

P.S. For those with short memories, Boulder-Munich I, `Properties of Hot Luminous Stars', was held in JILA in 1989 August, and was published in ASP Conference Series, no. 7.

We now have a preliminary list of participants and talks.

[BMW-II] [Cumberland Lodge] [Registration Form] [UCL HotStar Group]

Maintained by Kaj Siebert and Ian Howarth