1B23 – Electronic Newsletters

o astro-ph
Astronomy e-print archive at Los Alamos ( Southampton mirror ).

o Active Galaxies Newsletter
Electronic Active Galaxies Newsletter.
o AGB Newsletter
Electronic publication covering stellar evolution from the early AGB to dispersal of the Planetary Nebulae, with an emphasis on mass-loss and circumstellar material.
o Be Star Newsletter
Electronic publication covering studies of B stars, that show emission in at least Halpha, generally assumed to be produced by a circumstellar disk.
o Cool News
Electronic Cool Star Newsletter, dedidated to cool stars and the sun.
o Dwarf Tales
Electronic dwarf galaxy newsletter, including stellar content, ISM, dynamics, formation and evolution. Low and high redshift galaxies, HII galaxies, blue compact dwarfs, dwarf irregulars (except Magellanic Clouds), spheroidals and ellipticals are included.
o Galactic Centre Newsletter
The GC Newsletter contains abstracts of recently submitted papers and original articles relating to the Galactic Center
o Hot Star Newsletter
Electronic publication on hot, massive stars (WR, LBV, OBA) and related phenomena in galaxies.
o Magellanic Cloud Newsletter
An electronic publication to promote information exchange and interdisciplinary collaboration on the Magellanic Clouds
o Star Formation Newsletter
Electronic Star Formation Newsletter, dedidated to early stellar evolution and molecular clouds.
o UK Solar Physics Newsletter
UK Solar Physics Newsletter

Please notify dead links, or suggestions for additional links, to idh(@)star.ucl.ac.uk

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