1B23 – Astronomical Databases and Archives

o Astronomy Archives
Maintained by Starlink – links to various databases and archives, including Digitized Sky Survey, ROSAT, and Hipparcos catalogues.

o Astronomical Data Centre (UK)
The Data Centre is part of the Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit and houses a good selection of data from the UK's ground-based telescopes, as well as a number of catalogues.

[o] AAT Data Archive
Archive of the Anglo-Australian Telescope.
[o] ADS Abstract Service
Provided by the Astrophysics Data System at the CfA to search astronomy periodical abstracts
(Mirror sites at Nottingham and at Strasbourg).
o Astroweb
Astroweb is a collection of pointers to astronomy-related information available on the Internet, maintained by the AstroWeb Consortium
o Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit
The APM facility, Carlsberg Meridian Telescope, and wide-field astronomy projects.
o CADC: the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
A major international centre for data archives
o DSS: the Digitized Sky Survey
The Digitized Sky Survey, at CADC or LEDAS.
o Double Star Library
Catalogues and news of all types of binary and multiple systems, organized under the auspices of IAU Commission 26
o ESIS: the European Space Information System
The ESIS project is a service to the Space Science community to provide access to scientific data, including catalogues, images and spectra from a wide range of ESA/non-ESA space missions. The ESIS Bibliographical Database combines the NASA Abstracts archive with SIMBAD references. A form-based interface allows you to search for bibliographic references in various ways.
The High-Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center
Data archives of the Isaac Newton Group of telescopes.
o IRSA: the InfraRed Science Archive
IRSA provides archiving and 'data mining' of infrared-astronomy (and submillimeter) catalogues, including IRAS, ISO, Spitzer (SIRTF), and 2MASS.
o LEDAS: the LEicester Database and Archive Service
LEDAS provides an on-line astronomical database service, and access to archival data from high-energy astrophysics missions.
o MAST: the Multimission Archive at Space Telescope
MAST supports a variety of astronomical data archives, with the primary focus on scientifically related data sets in the optical, ultraviolet, and near-infrared parts of the spectrum, including HST, IUE, EUVE, ASTRO & ROSAT. Alternatively, try Goddard's `WISARD ': Web Interface for Searching Archival Research Data.
o Meetings
A comprehensive hypertext list of international meetings, maintained by the CFHT library.
o Membership Directories
The NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database, including cross-identifications, positions, redshifts and basic data, plus bibliographic references.
o NIST Physical Reference Data
Includes physical constants, atomic and molecular spectroscopic data.
NASA's National Space Science Data Center; includes the permanent archive for most NASA astrophysics data.
o Simbad Astronomical Database
SIMBAD provides basic data, cross-identifications and bibliography for astronomical objects beyond the Solar System.
o SkyView
SkyView is a virtual observatory on the internet. It can be used to generate images of the sky at wavelengths in all regimes from radio to gamma-ray using various sky surveys as input.

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