Textbook printed by UCL Press:
Fundamentals of galaxy dynamics, formation and evolution
Lorentz Centre 2016 - Leiden, Netherlands:
The universal problem of the non-universal IMF
EWASS 2015 / Symp. 3 - La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain:
Deconstructing massive galaxy formation |
EWASS 2013 / Sp12 - Turku, Finland:
A fresh look at the stellar IMF |
GA 2012 / Symp. 295 - Beijing, China:
The intriguing life of massive galaxies |
JENAM 2010 / Symp. 2: Lisbon, Portugal:
Galaxy Formation and Environment: 30 years later |
Ignacio Ferreras
Postal Address:
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
C/Vía Láctea, s/n
E38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
Phone: +34 922 605 315
Research Interests
Galactic chemical enrichment
Photo-spectroscopic dating of stellar populations:
Cosmic Archaeology !
Formation and evolution of elliptical galaxies: Ages, Chemical composition,
Quantitative Galaxy Morphology.
An interesting galaxy here,
... and here !
The "Baryon Physics" of Star Formation
Probing Dark Matter in galaxies (A presentation illustrating
past work with my collaborators here)
Multivariate analysis of large datasets (an example on galaxy spectra)
Selected Papers |
Constraints on the dust extinction law of the Galaxy with Swift/UVOT, Gaia, and 2MASS
Ferreras, I., et al.
2021, MNRAS, 505, 283
Observed versus Simulated Halo c-Mvir Relations
Leier, D., Ferreras, I., Negri, A., Saha, P.
2021, arXiv:2105.05856
Evaluating hydrodynamical simulations with green valley galaxies
Angthopo, J., Negri, A., Ferreras, I., de la Rosa, I. G., dalla Vecchia, C., Pillepich, A.,
2021, MNRAS, 502, 3685
A detailed look at the stellar populations in green valley galaxies
Angthopo, J., Ferreras, I, Silk, J.,
2020, MNRAS, 495, 2720
The SAMI galaxy survey: stellar population radial gradients in early-type galaxies
Ferreras, I, et al.
2019, MNRAS, 489, 608
SHARDS: constraints on the dust attenuation law of star-forming galaxies at z˜2
Tress, M., Mármol-Queraltó, E., Ferreras, I., et al.
2018, MNRAS, 475, 2363
Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): probing the merger histories of massive galaxies via stellar populations
Ferreras, I., Hopkins, A., et al.
2017, MNRAS, 468, 607
Testing the wavelength dependence of cosmological redshift down to 1E-6
Ferreras, I. & Trujillo, I.,
2016, ApJ, 825, 115
Constraints on the merging channel of massive galaxies since z=1
Ferreras, I., et al.,
2014, MNRAS, 444, 906
A panchromatic analysis of starburst galaxy M82: probing the dust properties
Hutton, Ferreras, I. et al.,
2014, MNRAS, 440, 150
The (galaxy-wide) IMF in giant elliptical galaxies: From top to bottom
Weidner, C., Ferreras, I., Vazdekis, A., La Barbera, F.,
2013, MNRAS, 435, 2274
Systematic variation of the stellar initial mass function with velocity dispersion in early-type galaxies
Ferreras, I., La Barbera, F., de la Rosa, I. G., Vazdekis, A., et al.,
2013, MNRAS Letters, 429, L15
SPIDER-VII. Revealing the stellar population content of massive early-type galaxies out to 8Re
La Barbera, F., Ferreras, I., de Carvalho, R. R., et al.,
2012, MNRAS, 426, 2300
Dissecting the size evolution of elliptical galaxies since z~1:
puffing-up versus minor-merging scenarios
Trujiilo, I., Ferreras, I., de la Rosa, I. G.,
2011, MNRAS, 415, 3903
Constraining the low-mass end of the initial mass function with
gravitational lensing
Ferreras, I. et al.
2010, MNRAS, 409, L30
On the formation of massive galaxies: a simultaneous study of number density, size and intrinsic colour evolution
Ferreras, I. et al. 2009, MNRAS, 396, 1573
Unveiling dark haloes in lensing galaxies
Ferreras, I., Saha, P. & Burles, S.
2008, MNRAS, 383, 857
Stellar and Total Mass in Early-Type Lensing Galaxies.
Ferreras, I., Saha, P. & Williams, L. L. R.
2005, ApJ, 623, L5
Evolution of Field Early-Type Galaxies: The View from GOODS CDFS.
Ferreras, I., Lisker, T., Carollo, C. M., Lilly, S. J. & Mobasher, B.
2005, ApJ, 635, 243
How young are early-type cluster galaxies? Quantifying the young stellar
component in a rich cluster at z=0.41.
Ferreras, I. & Silk, J.
2000, ApJ, 541, L37
The age and metallicity range of early-type galaxies in clusters.
Ferreras, I., Charlot, S. & Silk, J.
1999, ApJ, 521, 81
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