ID | 12371 | GASS catalog ID |
SDSS | J111306.40+051403.0 | SDSS name |
OBJID | 588010879827706023 | SDSS ObjID |
SPECOBJID | 235256345622740992 | SDSS SpecObjID |
PLATEID | 835 | SDSS spectroscopic Plate ID |
MJD | 52326 | SDSS spectroscopic MJD ID |
FIBERID | 384 | SDSS spectroscopic Fiber ID |
RA | 168.28 | RA from SDSS, J2000 [decimal degrees] |
DEC | 5.2342 | Dec from SDSS, J2000 [decimal degrees] |
Z_SDSS | 0.04318 | SDSS spectroscopic redshift |
LUMDIST | 191.02 | Luminosity distance [Mpc] (Omega_m=0.3, Omega_L = 0.7, H0 = 70 km/s/Mpc) |
INCL | 21.641 | Disc inclination [degrees] |
NUVR | 3.34 | NUV-r colour, corrected for Galactic extinction |
R50KPC | 3.9913 | SDSS r-band Petrosian R50[kpc] |
LOGMSTAR | 10.796 | Stellar mass [log Msun] |
LOGMUST | 8.9625 | Stellar mass surface density [log Msun/kpc^2] (calculated as log(mu*)=log(M*/(2*pi*r50_z^2)) ) |
CINDX | 2.89 | Concentration index (ratio of r-band Petrosian R90 and R50) |
WEIGHT | 0.50134 | Statistical weight |
LOGSFR_MPAJHU | 0.0060501 | SFR from SDSS MPA/JHU catalog |
LOGSFR_SED | 0.43438 | SFR from UV+optical SED fitting |
LOGSFR_BEST | 0.35967 | SFR from WISE + GALEX when detected in both data sets else from SED fitting (see Janowiecki et al. 2017) |
LOGSFR_ERR | 0.063977 | Error on LOGSFR_BEST |
FLAG_IRAS | 0 | Detection flag in the IRAS PSC, 1:yes, 2:no |
LOGLIR_IRAS | 0 | Total IR luminosity [log Lsun] |
IRCOL_IRAS | 0 | IRAS colour (F60/F100) |
N2HA | -0.27658 | log(FLUX_NII_6583/FLUX_Halpha_6562) (using fluxes from SDSS DR7) |
O3HB | -0.47743 | log(FLUX_OIII_5006/FLUX_HBeta_4861) (using fluxes from SDSS DR7) |
AGNCLASS | 2 | BPT-based AGN classification, -1:undetermined, 0:inactive, 1:SFing, 2:Composite, 3:AGN, 4:Seyfert |
Z_PP04_N2 | 8.8982 | 12+logO/H from N2Ha using Pettini&Pagel (2004) |
Z_PP04_O3N2 | 8.7943 | 12+logO/H from N2Ha and O3Hb using Pettini&Pagel (2004) |
Z_MZR | 8.7786 | 12+logO/H from MZR, Kewley&Ellison08, PP04 calibration |
FLAG_CO | 1 | CO(1-0) detection flag, 1:yes, 2:no |
XCO | 4.35 | Constant Galactic CO-to-H2 conversion factor except for galaxies suspected of requiring the lower “merger” value |
XCO_A17 | 2.8964 | CO-to-H2 conversion function from Accurso et al. (2017) |
XCO_A17_ERR | 1.1004 | Error on XCO_A17 |
ICO | 1.01 | CO(1-0) line flux [K km/s] |
ICO_ERR | 0.14051 | Error on ICO [K km/s] |
ICO_COR | 1.2376 | CO(1-0) line flux, aperture corrected [K km/s] |
ICO_COR_ERR | 0.25319 | Error on ICO_COR [K km/s] |
LCO | 5.2866E+8 | CO(1-0) line luminosity [K km/s pc^2] (if FLAG_CO=2, then this is a 3sigma upper limit) |
LCO_ERR | 9.0118E+7 | Error on LCO [K km/s pc^2] |
LCO_COR | 6.4779E+8 | CO(1-0) line luminosity, aperture corrected [K km/s pc^2] (if FLAG_CO=2, then this is a 3sigma upper limit) |
LCO_COR_ERR | 1.3253E+8 | Error on LCO_COR [K km/s pc^2] |
RMS_CO | 0.001574 | Rms noise around the CO(1-0) line in 20km/s-wide channels [K] |
SN_CO | 8.7864 | Integrated S/N of the CO(1-0) line |
WCO | 247.26 | FWHM of the CO(1-0) line [km/s] |
WCO_FLAG | 2 | Quality flag for WCO, 1:high quality, 2: acceptable, 3: poor |
Z_CO | 0.043252 | Redshift based on the velocity of the CO(1-0) line |
WCO_TFR | 347.96 | FWHM of the CO(1-0) for TFR work from Tiley et al. (2016) [km/s] |
WCO_TFR_ERR | 59.222 | Error on WCO_TFR |
LOGMH2 | 9.2733 | Total molecular gas mass [log Msun] |
LOGMH2_ERR | 0.17571 | Error on LOGMH2 |
LIM_LOGMH2 | 0 | 3sigma upper limit for LOGMH2, if FLAG_CO=2 |
LOGMH2MS | -1.5227 | Molecular gas mass fraction [log MH2/M*] |
FLAG_CO21 | 1 | CO(2-1) detection flag, 1:yes, 2:no, 0:not observed |
ICO21 | 1.35 | CO(2-1) line flux [K km/s] |
ICO21_ERR | 0.3149 | Error on ICO21 [K km/s] |
LCO21 | 2.2234E+8 | CO(2-1) line luminosity [K km/s pc^2] (if FLAG_CO21=2, then this is a 3sigma upper limit) |
LCO21_ERR | 5.1864E+7 | Error on LCO21 [K km/s pc^2] |
RMS_CO21 | 0.00179 | Rms noise around the CO(2-1) line in 20km/s-wide channels [K] |
SN_CO21 | 8.3301 | Integrated S/N of the CO(2-1) line |
WCO21 | 380.02 | FWHM of the CO(2-1) line [km/s] |
WCO21_FLAG | 1 | Quality flag for WCO21, 1:high quality, 2: acceptable, 3: poor |
Z_CO21 | 0.04318 | Redshift based on the velocity of the CO(2-1) line |
FLAG_APEX | 0 | CO(2-1) detection flag, 1:yes, 2:no, 0:not observed |
ICO_APEX | 0 | CO(2-1) line flux [K km/s] |
LCO_APEX | 0 | CO(2-1) line luminosity [K km/s pc^2] |
RMS_APEX | 0 | Rms noise around the CO(2-1) line in 20km/s-wide channels [K] |
SN_APEX | 0 | Integrated S/N of the CO(2-1) line |
WCO_APEX | 0 | FWHM of the CO(2-1) line [km/s] |
ZCO_APEX | 0 | Redshift based on the velocity of the CO(2-1) line |