Header content

The more useful keywords in the image headers include:
Keyword Description
RUN Unique exposure number. Corresponds to the run number found in the observing logs of the Isaac Newton Telescope.
DATE‑OBS Start time of the exposure in UTC, given in the ISO 8601 format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS".
EXPTIME Exposure time in seconds. This may deviate slightly from the value found in the raw data, because the INT/WFC is known to occasionally record incorrect exposure times in the headers. This has been corrected, as best we can, in the images hosted on the IGAPS website.
PHOTZP Photometric zeropoint, computed such that it absorbs the required corrections for atmospheric extinction, gain variations, exposure time, and the IGAPS re-calibration shift (if computed). Hence, the number counts stored in the images can be converted straight into Vega-based magnitudes using: mag(Vega) = -2.5*log(pixel value) + PHOTZP.
FLUXCAL Identifies the status of PHOTZP. If set to 'IGAPS-UNIFORM' it means that the image has been globally re-calibrated to an accuracy of 0.03 mag rms (see Monguio et al (2020)). If set to 'CASU-PIPELINE' it indicates that the image has only been calibrated using the nightly average zeropoint obtained by observing standard stars, which may or may not be accurate depending on the zeropoint stability during the night.
MAGZPT Original nightly zeropoint for default extinction measured at unit airmass. Obtained by taking the average zeropoint of all standard star fields observed within the same night. Unlike PHOTZP, this value does NOT include the required corrections for atmospheric extinction at the altitude of the observed pointing, gain variations, the exposure time or for the global re-calibration. We do not recommend its use.

This is an example of a full header:

XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / binary table extension
BITPIX  =                    8 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS   =                    2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1  =                    8 / width of table in bytes
NAXIS2  =                 4096 / number of rows in table
PCOUNT  =              5621622 / size of special data area
GCOUNT  =                    1 / one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS =                    1 / number of fields in each row
TTYPE1  = 'COMPRESSED_DATA'    / label for field   1
TFORM1  = '1PB(1477)'          / data format of field: variable length array
EXTNAME = 'COMPRESSED_IMAGE'   / name of this binary table extension
ZIMAGE  =                    T / extension contains compressed image
ZBITPIX =                   16 / data type of original image
ZNAXIS  =                    2 / dimension of original image
ZNAXIS1 =                 2048 / length of original image axis
RUN     =               484995 / Run number
OBSERVAT= 'LAPALMA '           / Name of observatory (IRAF style)
OBJECT  = 'intphas_3260 i'     / Title of observation
LATITUDE=            28.761939 / Telescope latitude  (degrees), +28:45:43.0
LONGITUD=           -17.877587 / Telescope longitude (degrees), -17:52:39.3
HEIGHT  =                 2348 / [m] Height above sea level.
SLATEL  = 'LPO2.5  '           / Telescope name known to SLALIB
TELESCOP= 'INT     '           / 2.5m Isaac Newton Telescope
MJD-OBS =        53709.1836527 / Modified Julian Date at start of observation
JD      =      2453709.6836527 / Julian Date at start of observation
PLATESCA=             6.856013 / [d/m] Platescale ( 24.68arcsec/mm)
TELFOCUS=             0.043653 / Telescope focus (metres)
AIRMASS =             1.119865 / Effective mean airmass
TEMPTUBE=             7.793302 / Truss Temperature (degrees Celsius)
INSTRUME= 'WFC     '           / INT wide-field camera is in use.
WFFPOS  =                    4 / Position-number of deployed filter
WFFBAND = 'i       '           / Waveband of filter
WFFID   = '215     '           / Unique identifier of filter
SECPPIX =                0.333 / Arcseconds per pixel
DETECTOR= 'WFC     '           / Formal name of camera
CCDSPEED= 'FAST    '           / Readout speed
CCDXBIN =                    1 / Binning factor in x axis
CCDYBIN =                    1 / Binning factor in y axis
CCDSUM  = '1 1     '           / Binning factors (IRAF style)
CCDTEMP =              154.957 / [K] Cryostat temperature
NWINDOWS=                    0 / Number of readout windows
DATE-OBS= '2005-12-05T04:24:30.1' / Start time of the exposure [UTC]
ZNAXIS2 =                 4096 / length of original image axis
ZTILE1  =                 2048 / size of tiles to be compressed
ZTILE2  =                    1 / size of tiles to be compressed
ZCMPTYPE= 'RICE_1  '           / compression algorithm
ZNAME1  = 'BLOCKSIZE'          / compression block size
ZVAL1   =                   32 / pixels per block
BZERO   =       32768.00000000 / Pixel-data have 32K offset.
BSCALE  =           1.00000000 / Pixel-data are not scaled.
INHERIT =                    T / Extension inherits primary HDU.
EXTVER  =                    4 / Extension version number
IMAGEID =                    4 / Image identification
DASCHAN =                    4 / Number of readout channel
WINNO   =                    0 / Number of readout window
CHIPNAME= 'A5382-1-7         ' / Name of detector chip.
CCDNAME = 'A5382-1-7         ' / Name of detector chip.
CCDCHIP = 'A5382-1-7         ' / Name of detector chip.
CCDTYPE = 'EEV42-80          ' / Type of detector chip.
CCDXPIXE=           0.00001350 / [m] Size of pixels in x.
CCDYPIXE=           0.00001350 / [m] Size of pixels in y.
AMPNAME = 'LH                ' / Name of output amplifier.
GAIN    =           2.90000000 / Nominal Photo-electrons per ADU.
READNOIS=           5.80000000 / Nominal Readout noise in electrons.
SATURATE=              56008.0 / Highest value that is unsaturated
BIASSEC = '[11:53,3:4098]'     / Bias pixels.
TRIMSEC = '[54:2101,3:4098]'   / Illuminated pixels.
RTDATSEC= '[-52:2101,1:4200]               ' / Location in d-space for RTD.
HISTORY Updated 2020-03-05
HISTORY ------------------
HISTORY This frame contains pipeline-reduced IGAPS data that was originally
HISTORY processed by the Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit (CASU), but the
HISTORY headers have been updated following Monguio et al. in 2020
HISTORY to add a re-calibrated zeropoint and to tweak the WCS keywords.
RADESYS = 'ICRS    '           / WCS calibrated against Gaia-DR2
EQUINOX =               2000.0
CTYPE1  = 'RA---ZPN'           / Algorithm type for axis 1
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--ZPN'           / Algorithm type for axis 2
CRUNIT1 = 'deg     '           / Unit of right ascension coordinates
CRUNIT2 = 'deg     '           / Unit of declination coordinates
PV2_1   =                  1.0 / Coefficient for r term
PV2_2   =                  0.0 / Coefficient for r**2 term
PV2_3   =           212.409021 / Coefficient for r**3 term
PV2_5   =                  0.0 / Coefficient for r**5 term
CRVAL1  =             93.72109 / [deg] Right ascension at the reference pixel
CRVAL2  =           21.1490626 / [deg] Declination at the reference pixel
CRPIX1  =           1801.30718 / [pixel] Reference pixel along axis 1
CRPIX2  =           2967.45576 / [pixel] Reference pixel along axis 2
CD1_1   =          -1.2741E-06 / Transformation matrix element
CD1_2   =           -9.244E-05 / Transformation matrix element
CD2_1   =          -9.2439E-05 / Transformation matrix element
CD2_2   =           1.2691E-06 / Transformation matrix element
STDCRMS =   0.0305099337399365 / Astrometric fit error (arcsec)
HISTORY  trimmed to range     :     54  2101     3  4098
HISTORY  linearity LUT applied: /home/mike/pipeline/nonlincoeffs/int_non
HISTORY  bias-corrected with  : bias.fit
HISTORY  flatfielded with     : i_flat.fit
HISTORY  gain-corrected by    :      1.145
DEFRING0= 'Defringe image i_fringe_aug2003.fits scale =    0.0111'
MOONDIST=    152.1999969482422 / Distance to the moon in degrees
MOONALT =   -85.69999694824219 / Altitude of the moon above the horizon
MOONPHAS=    16.29999923706055 / Phase of the moon
SKYLEVEL=                57.02 / Sky level
SKYNOISE=    5.610000133514404 / Sky noise
PERCORR =                   0. / Sky calibration correction (mags)
MAGZPT  =                23.77 / Uncorrected nightly ZP (per second)
MAGZRR  =                 0.05 / Photometric ZP error (mags)
EXTINCT =                 0.09 / Extinction coefficient (mags)
PHOTZP  =              26.3149 / mag(Vega) = -2.5*log(pixel value) + PHOTZP
PHOTZPER=                 0.03 / Default 1-sigma PHOTZP uncertainty in IGAPS
PHOTSYS = 'Vega    '           / Photometric system
FLUXCAL = 'ABSOLUTE'           / Certifies the validity of PHOTZP
SEEING  =             0.897102 / Average FWHM (arcsec)
ELLIPTIC=    0.153999999165535 / Average ellipticity
EXPTIME =                 10.0 / [sec] Exposure time adopted
CONFMAP = 'iphas_dec2005/i_conf.fit'
CHECKSUM= '43Af416e41Ae415e'   / HDU checksum updated 2020-03-05T12:21:38
DATASUM = '908599464'          / data unit checksum updated 2020-03-05T12:21:38
COMMENT ------------------
COMMENT  _____  _____          _____   _____
COMMENT |_   _|/ ____|   /\   |  __ \ / ____|
COMMENT   | | | | ___   /  \  | |__) | (___
COMMENT   | | | ||__ | / /\ \ |  ___/ \___ \
COMMENT  _| |_| |__| |/ ____ \| |     ____) |
COMMENT |_____|\_____|_/    \_\_|    |_____/
COMMENT Data origin
COMMENT -----------
COMMENT This image is part of the INT Galactic Plane Survey
COMMENT Photometric calibration info
COMMENT ----------------------------
COMMENT The pixel values (number counts) in this image can be converted into
COMMENT Vega-based magnitudes using the PHOTZP keyword as follows:
COMMENT     mag(Vega) = -2.5*log10(pixel value) + PHOTZP.
COMMENT The PHOTZP value has been computed such that it absorbs the required
COMMENT factors for atmospheric extinction, gain variations, exposure time,
COMMENT and the re-calibration shift.
COMMENT As these images still include moonlight and other sources of
COMMENT non-astronomical background, they can only support flux measurements
COMMENT that include a suitably-chosen local background subtraction.
COMMENT Uncompressing the images
COMMENT ------------------------
COMMENT These data are compressed using Rice lossless compression algorithm.
COMMENT This is a standard compression algorithm. Details can be found here:
COMMENT http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio/fpack/
COMMENT Compressed images can be opened using ds9.
COMMENT Acknowledgement instructions
COMMENT ----------------------------
COMMENT If you use these data, please cite Monguio et al. (2020) and
COMMENT Greimel et al. (2020).

Astrometric header data

The astrometric solution is recorded in the FITS header of an image by means of a series of World Coordinate System (WCS) keywords. IGAPS uses the Zenithal PolyNomial (ZPN) projection, which is required to model the radial distortions in the focal plane (see Calabretta & Greisen, 2002).

An example WCS for an IGAPS image (same as above) is excerpted below. Note that each image contains its own solution. Its quality can be judged from the value assigned to the keyword, STDCRMS. For more detail, see section 4 in Monguio et al (2020).

HISTORY This frame contains pipeline-reduced IGAPS data that was originally
HISTORY processed by the Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit (CASU), but the
HISTORY headers have been updated following Monguio et al. in 2020
HISTORY to add a re-calibrated zeropoint and to tweak the WCS keywords.
RADESYS = 'ICRS    '           / WCS calibrated against Gaia-DR2
EQUINOX =               2000.0
CTYPE1  = 'RA---ZPN'           / Algorithm type for axis 1
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--ZPN'           / Algorithm type for axis 2
CRUNIT1 = 'deg     '           / Unit of right ascension coordinates
CRUNIT2 = 'deg     '           / Unit of declination coordinates
PV2_1   =                  1.0 / Coefficient for r term
PV2_2   =                  0.0 / Coefficient for r**2 term
PV2_3   =           212.409021 / Coefficient for r**3 term
PV2_5   =                  0.0 / Coefficient for r**5 term
CRVAL1  =             93.72109 / [deg] Right ascension at the reference pixel
CRVAL2  =           21.1490626 / [deg] Declination at the reference pixel
CRPIX1  =           1801.30718 / [pixel] Reference pixel along axis 1
CRPIX2  =           2967.45576 / [pixel] Reference pixel along axis 2
CD1_1   =          -1.2741E-06 / Transformation matrix element
CD1_2   =           -9.244E-05 / Transformation matrix element
CD2_1   =          -9.2439E-05 / Transformation matrix element
CD2_2   =           1.2691E-06 / Transformation matrix element
STDCRMS =   0.0305099337399365 / Astrometric fit error (arcsec)