Msg Base: AREA 3 - ASK FATHER (AMDG) Msg No: 43. Fri 8-28-92 21:33 (NO KILL) From: Father Mateo To: Joanne Fields Subject: alter girls JF|I have seen several Alterservers who are females. Is this in accordance |with the magisterium? Dear Joanne, According to my latest inquiry, the status of altar girls is uncertain. My two informants seem divided: one says that Rome will probably approve of them; the other says that Rome will forbid the practice. By the way, the `magisterium' is not involved here. The magisterium is the teaching office of the Church and deals with doctrine and morals. The use of altar girls is the province of Church government or discipline or liturgical praxis, not doctrine or morals. Sincerely in Christ, Father Mateo